根據雨林聯盟(Rainforrest Alliance)的報導, 全世界目前每天喝掉7千5百萬杯茶. 這個驚人的數字不僅顯示出茶對我們日常生活飲食的影響之深, 同時也點出茶消費所衍生出的永續發展議題. 在英國, 無法不注意到茶. 每當一踏進家門, 大家的第一個問題絕對是: "Want some tea?"

百貨超市裡琳瑯滿目的茶包, 除了口味與商品設計之外, 在英國超市裡, 標籤自然也是商品特色之一. 所謂的好茶, 不只是味道濃厚, 消費者更應該了解, 手中所握的這個茶包, 在其生產過程之中, 對生態環境以及生產國的茶農造成了哪些影響? 又, 這個茶包被丟棄到垃圾桶之後, 可能引發哪些影響?

舉例來說, Good Earth這個廠牌提供經過公平交易及有機認證的茶包. 從外盒包裝上, 我們可以很清楚得知:

1.  對地球好的茶 (Good for the planet): 有機茶經過Soil Association Organic認證, 茶包未經過漂白(目前的茶包普遍是以紙或是植物纖維做成, 在製造過程中廠商會加入氯或其他化學物進行漂白), 茶包可以回收

2.  對別人好的茶 (Good to the others): 茶的種植過程對環境低影響, 未使用基改作物, 並經過Fairtrade公平交易認證

3.  對自己好的茶 (And good for you): 濃厚茶香, 未含人工添加物, 茶具有抗氧化功能




另外在外包裝上面, Good Earth已放棄使用塑膠包裝, 改以貼紙封裝(見下); 而外盒是100%回收紙製成, 印刷採用較為環保的無毒性黃豆油墨(soy based ink) 

Fullscreen capture 3302010 50700 PM.bmp.jpg 


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英國的食品與飲品協會(FDF, Food & Drink Federation)在1996年制定了每人每天應攝取的營養素, 稱為每日數量準則Guildlines Daily Amounts (GDA). 

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截至目前, GDA被英國的89家食品廠商使用在產品標示上, 透過視覺化的圖示, 消費者在購買產品時, 很容易就可以從產品正面得知其中所含的五大營養素(5 key nutrients)-- 熱量, 糖份, 鹽, 脂肪, 反式脂肪. 這些資訊包含營養素每份的總計量以及所佔每人每日GDA所含的比例. 


FDF在2007年的宣傳影片表示, GDA的目的在於讓消費者知道"身體裡面發生什麼事了" (Know What's Going Inside you)


在商業競爭的英國, 食品標籤背負著與消費者溝通的重任, 百貨食品業者Marks & Spencer也特別為自家產品標籤製作了一段影片, 告知消費者"知"的重要性, 同時也建立企業社會責任的形象. see-> M&S TV: Marks & Spencer's Nutrition Labelling 


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來到英國沒幾天就明顯感受到這個國家對食物標示的重視絕對是全球之冠. 今天先從每日必食的cheese看起~ 

英國的cheese沒有荷蘭的種類繁多, 但是價錢卻時親切許多! 我目前待的Surrey位於倫敦近郊, 小小一個鎮卻也擁有各類型的大小連鎖超市. 相比之下, 阿姆斯特丹整個城簡直就被Albert Heijn這一家超市所壟斷, 也難怪價錢沒辦法便宜太多. 

在Sainsbury's購入有機Cheddar Cheese(270ml)正面標示有我們平常可以見到的營養成分說明含熱量(cal), 脂肪(fat), 鹽分(salt). 根據英國起士協會British Cheese Board, 法規並沒有強制規列出起士的營養成分, 但是大部分的生產者都還是有特別列出來. 


除此之外, 包裝上還說明了: 

1. 製造方式- Handmade

2. 農場- Lye Cross Farm

3. 保存方式- Keep refrigerated

4. 口味強度(Flavour Strength)- 1 Mild

起士的口味通常與成熟度成正比, 越成熟的味道就越濃厚. 在英國被分為五種等級: Mild 1- Medium 2- Mature 3- Extra Mature 4- Vintage 5

5. 奶素可- Vegetarian 這部分指的是起士製造過程中沒有使用動物性乳化劑(animal rennet)


接著在背面標籤部分, 除了列出更多營養成分以及保存方式還有廠商聯絡資料的細節之外, 另外吸引我注意的有:

6. 有機認證- GB Organic Certificate 5 

英國的有機認證很特別, 是用數字表示這數字只是單純的認證單位, 譬如說UK5指的是Soil Association Certification Ltd (更多UK1-UK10)

7. 過敏警告- contains cow's milk 

8. 包裝安全-  packaged in a protective atmosphere


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Campaign: Surfrider Cleanups 2010 (France)

I was attracted by those beautiful images- lonely bottles and cans floating on the ocean, waiting to be found by somebody. This is a campaign run by Surfrider, which mission is to help keep the ocean clean. 






I especially like the social map taggin embedded in the campaign website. Besides providing geographic information, the map demonstrates how many people are participating through actual actions and the scale of the involvement. 

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I shared this with my coworkers today. Found the label idea brilliant and practicable, as informative and interactive to supermarket consumers.

Fresh Labels (2008)

fresh-label1.jpg Fullscreen-capture-8192009-120704-PM-1.bmp.jpg

Design studio TO-GENKYO proposes a new method of tracking a foods expiration date by using a universally recognizable visual. Over the last year or so Japan had been struck by a number of scandals involving food companies tampering with expiration dates. The new design keeps people honest by changing colors based on the level of ammonia the food emits as it ages. After it has passed its expiration date the barcode is no longer readable, making it impossible to sell. (source: swissmiss)


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Lien, M and Nerlich B. Eds. (2004), The Politics of Food, Berg


Ch2. Handling Food-related Risks: Political Agency and Governmentality

By Bente Halkier

  • Consumption is a particular field of practices within the sociality of everyday life, which combines the satisfaction of needs with expressions of identity. Analyzing food consumption means dealing with everyday life experiences and with practices that are characterized by the material and sensate experiences of taking things into the body and keeping things out of the body.  

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歷經過強風暴雪的嚴厲冬季,庭院植物早已乾枯;這幾天回暖, 原本灰濛濛的天際開始滲透出天藍色,左右鄰居開始插花苗,迫不及待地迎接春季的到來。

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Slides: NGO campaigns on Social Media

(Duration: OCT 2009 - JAN 2010)

Full screen PDF view on Scribd: http://bit.ly/aDlGhd

This project is complete by the method of observation. I focus on both quantitative and qualitative sides for analysis. The 'xxx' in the text refers to the (environmental) organization which I've been working with. As an international NGO, xxx anticipated me to evaluate the need of using social media as a communication channel to the general public. 

It took three month long for me to conduct this research. I actually feel myself enjoying and learning a lot during this time. Last month I presented my findings to the office and we both agree that it is imperative for campaigners to understand and carry out actions on social media platforms. 

I am now sharing my findings here and appreciate any comment from you =)     


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