
新年快樂! After counting down my Happy New Year with a bunch of crazy Dutch late last night, I felt so inspired and energetic to work on my recent photos for producing a video. A very quick production while file compression and format for uploading actually cost most of my time. At the end, I cannot present the best video quality because of the Web site restriction. (If you are in Facebook check it out there! the video quality would be much better.)    

Anyway, I invite you to lay back a bit and hope you may find the video enjoyable. If you are reading my blog, have a great new year to you! :)


Note on my first Christmas and New Year experience in Amsterdam--

荷蘭的新年很不一樣啊! 可以說是整個城市都淪陷了. 就像台灣的中秋節是家家戶戶烤肉, 阿姆斯特丹這邊可是人人放煙火! 不是仙女棒那種喔, 是真的五光十射的飛天煙火. 12月31號一大早就有砲聲, 成天不斷的轟聲響. 接近快倒數時, 大家三五好友成群結隊就拿著酒杯, 香檳開始往街上移動, 圍在一起放煙火. 我去了外頭走了一趟, 實在是很危險, 到處都是酒鬼跟亂飛的炮. 跟寧靜的聖誕夜比起來是一大對比! 聖誕節那天晚上我們不小心排隊進了Westerkerk教堂, 跟著一千多人在神聖寧靜的氛圍中唱著荷蘭的聖誕歌...我當時還想說荷蘭人怎麼可以這樣地安靜有教養呀? 果真...跨年的時候就恢復本性!        



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