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Slides: NGO campaigns on Social Media

(Duration: OCT 2009 - JAN 2010)

Full screen PDF view on Scribd: http://bit.ly/aDlGhd

This project is complete by the method of observation. I focus on both quantitative and qualitative sides for analysis. The 'xxx' in the text refers to the (environmental) organization which I've been working with. As an international NGO, xxx anticipated me to evaluate the need of using social media as a communication channel to the general public. 

It took three month long for me to conduct this research. I actually feel myself enjoying and learning a lot during this time. Last month I presented my findings to the office and we both agree that it is imperative for campaigners to understand and carry out actions on social media platforms. 

I am now sharing my findings here and appreciate any comment from you =)     


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I found this webpage of myself by accident...wait...i don't even remember how i ended up finding this! multi-tasking indeed causes me attention deficit disorder and shortens my memory spam. 

http://www.informationactivism.org/chinese --> find me here =)

This is a cool translation project I've been doing for the Tactical Techonology Collective. It takes me much longer time than I originally expected partly because I have been occupied by my school and other volunteering in other organizations in Amsterdam. Anyway, seeing what saying in the article's title "COMING SOON" makes me very guilty...need to catch up soon now ;p



Update (09/2010): 對資訊行動主義有興趣的朋友, 歡迎觀看這部影片. 字幕選擇 Traditional Chinese 即可

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