目前分類:environmental actions 環保行動 (4)

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我們的組織在台灣主要針對永續海洋及森林保育這兩塊項目進行調查及環保活動. 細節不多說, 大家可以上網站認識我們的環境工作項目, 新網站目前在趕工架構中 (這也是我每天忙到忘記吃三餐的原因之一)

針對下禮拜即將召開的WCPFC中西太平洋漁業委員會, 我的同事準備飛去夏威夷的會議現場, 呼籲我們台灣的漁業署支持設立海洋保育區, 發展永續海洋政策.在她出發的前一天還在瘋狂地趕稿, 今天我正好看到她的文章 做什麼公益?!關心搶救鮪魚行動!. 有超越九千多人次的點閱率, 還登上Yahoo!奇摩公益平台的熱門文章. (happy for her =))

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I don't know how much I can accompolish in my volunteering, but I want to start the change from me, as an individual. Stop planning for each step carefully for a career, stop wishing the wish all the time. While many people question my motivation to go volunteering in an organic farm, this video undoubtedly strengthens my belief in my action.  

Nourish: Food + Community / YouTube VideoProject2009



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Last weekend, I joined Friends of the Earth Int'l as a steward in our action for COP15.

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Couple weeks ago i met Anna from a swing dance floor. The lovely australian girl told me that she's going to lead 350 people to dance Charleston in the mesuenplein on 24 OCT.  I was planning for being part of the 350, alas, it seems like I might be travelling in Germany at that time.


www.350.org provides me more information of what I can do if I end up in cities outside Amsterdam. I see a global wave of self-organization for the concern of climate change. Many years ago Petra Kelly referred to Joanna Macy and said that the primary goal of Green politics is an inner revolution, it is "the greening of the self." Yet in our current 2009, the revolution is no more inner and self. Part of the reason is because of the Internet, and the other part reflects a sad fact that climate change is no more consciousness but already a crisis now.

How can the Internet help turn information into actions? That's sth I am attempting to know and do more.

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